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The Mather Homestead Foundation received a grant from the Connecticut State History Preservation Office in 2022 to conduct a "Condition Assessment" of the historic house and other buildings on the property to evaluate their structural condition and recommend repairs and assign associated costs.  The Foundation hired Rose Long and Carl Rothbart of Architectural Preservation Studios of New Canaan to complete the project. The resulting 152 page document concluded that while the ~250 year old house was well maintained by the Mather-McPherson family, there is still much work to be done to keep the house in shape with projects totaling ~$500K.

Phase One is nearly completed including:

  • Replace deteriorated storms, select siding, trim, windowsill & cornices

  • Repair windows

  • Repoint all open joints, chimney mortar joints; recaulk where necessary

  • Paint outside of house

  • Remove existing lift and rebuild original stair for second egress

  • Remove and replace kitchen floor (asbestos) 

Thank you to those who contributed to Phase One including the 1772 Foundation/Preservation CT, First County Bank Foundation, Baywater Properties, and over 70 other individual donors listed below.  

Phase Two will enable us to preserve our collection historic documents, art, textiles, books and furniture and includes:

  • AC installation throughout the 1778 house,

  • Preserving/restoring the most valuable and vulnerable items in the Mather Homestead collection.

Phase Three - two to five years:

  • New Roof

We appreciate the many people and businesses who have contributed to the projects and are currently fundraising for Phase Two. 

GIVE to the 1778 House Renovation
Phase Two:  Preservation of the Collection

Thank you to our donors!

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Alice and Sherman Baldwin
Susan and Michael Barr
Lois and Robert Baylis
Suzanne Beatty and Sandor Babos
Deborah and Mark Blackman
Diane and Dave Boston
Cathy and Jack Butcher
Gina and Doug Cannaliato
Connie and Mike Casey
Jordan and Larry Castellani
Megan and Rob Cioffi
Sophie and Keith Davey
Mary Jo and Rob Dyer
Alex and Robert Eising
Liz and Chris Ezbiansky
Chris Filmer
Lynne and Mark Florian
Rob and Margaret Fryer
Millyn and Eric Gaaserud
Michele Gartland
Carol and Ward Glassmeyer
Edward Glassmeyer
Jennifer Gordon
Candace and Mike Grant
Kirsten and Mike Gregorio
Joellyn and Kevin Gray
Sara Hesli
Gary and Margaret Holmes
Sally and Pat Houlihan
Eliot and Phil Jacobs
Karyne Johnson
Jane Kellogg
Karen Kreitzberger and David Polett
Kate and Steve Larson
Jennifer Mathissen
Tina and Richard McCann
Allan McDonnell
Harry and Marjolein McLachlin

Sheila McMann
Tracy and Sean McManus
Catherine and John McNear
Brooke Megrue
Ginger and Howard Morgan
Liz and Greg Myers
Tasha and Christian Nagler
Jane and Bill Nickerson
Laurie and John Orem
Lesley and John Osborne
Ryann and Hutch Pegler
Robert Perkin
Frank Persico
Heather and Todd Raker
Penny and Daniel Rashin
Michelle and Rich Riley
Lisa and Mike Rintoul
Mary and Bill Rooney
Megan and Chris Ruppenstein
Lauren and Doug Ryder
Asma Samadani and Doug Mehagian
Sally and Everett Schenk
Mary Lou Schwemle
Michael Sgroe
John and Michelle Sini
Margaret and Dan Smith
Kelly Stewart
Katharine and Dennis Swanson
Lauren and Harris Swenson
Charlotte and Andrew Symons
Colleen and Jon Thompson
Tiffany and Brian Van Elslander
Amy and Rob Walton
Cathy and William Wappler
Lisa Washburn
Sue and Bob Weaver
Terrie and Jay Wood
Robin and Dick Woods
Annie Roberts and Charles Ziga

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