The Mather Homestead, a historic home and museum in Darien, CT, is rich with history and alive with activities and events which promote public education and enjoyment. The Mather Homestead Teen Board offers high school students with an interest in history and the National Parks an opportunity to both contribute to and learn from the Mather Homestead, including its rich collection of original documents and antiques.
Applications due Friday, September 22nd for participation in 2023-2024 Teen Board.

2024-25 Teen Board
Back row L to R: Claire Maruszeski, Caroline DiBiasio, Todd Cannaliato, Bella Fiordalis, Matthew Riley, Katie Ruhe, Alex Kettell, James DiBiasio, Luke Riley, Ava Mohr, Liv Stricker. Front row L to R: Luke Mihopoulos, Finn Wild, Need Sahgal, Lachlan Blair, Sydney Kettell, Jack Lang. Missing: Quincy Kettell, Consolo Bowman, Holden Mohr, Luke Richards

Teen Board 2023-24:
Katie Barr, Consuelo Bowman, Todd Cannaliato, Caroline DiBiasio, James DiBiasio, Bella Fiordalis, Daley Keogh, Alex Kettell, Sydney Kettell, Quincy Kettell, Claire Maruszewski, Ali Meyer, Ava Mohr, Marney Rand-Sweeney, Luke Richards, Lukę Riley, Matthew Riley, Katie Ruhe, Sofia Schimmeck, Lucas Singh, Lily Stricker, Sarah Williams,

Teen Board 2022-23:
Katie Barr, Consuelo Bowman, Todd Cannaliato, Sophye Davey, Caroline DiBiasio, Daley Keogh, Sydney Kettell, Claire Maruszewski, Ali Meyer, Marney Rand-Sweeney, Luke Richards, Matthew Riley, Sofia Schimmeck, Lily Stricker, Sarah Williams