Mather Family
Learn More!
The Rough Rider and the Professor
Connecticut During the American Revolutionary War
Witches in Connecticut!
Young and Restless
Local Revolutionary War buff, Eric Chandler, educated our audience about the Spies of the Revolutionary War!
Connecticut's Historical Gardens
American Impressionism
Guardian's of the Valley: John muir
Brown Bag Lecture: Women in the American Revolution - putting the "her" in heroics!
Tavern Food + Tavern Drink + Tavern History + Tavern Games = Tavern Fun!
Lecture featuring Keith Simpson: Our Changing Landscape over 400 years
American Vistas - from the Hudson River School to the National Parks
A Journey through the National Parks
American Farmstead Cheese & Wine Education with Plum Plums Cheese
The National Parks: America's Best Idea
Great Camp Sagamore and the Rustic Movement, plus stories of the Vanderbilt Family
Becoming a Gardener: What Reading and Digging Taught Me about Living
Honey tasting with the Queen Bee
The Power of Scenery, online discussion - April 14, 2021
Celebrating 200 Years of Frederick Law Olmsted
Winter's Past and Winter's Future
The Words that Made Us
Stephen Mather and the National Parks
American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic