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The Mather Homestead archives includes papers dating back to the 1700s. Thank you to Donn Smith for sorting, organizing, documenting and blogging the many documents that tell the story of the Mather Family.
Please note this page is still work in progress ...
1- Borax Related Materials
2- Materials Related to Specific National Parks
3- Anniversary events of the National Parks of the National Park Service and Other Organizations
4- Materials Signed by Stephen T. Mather with Will and Photos From 1912 Kern Trip
5- Miscellaneous Newspapers Including NPS Courier
6- Steve Mather of the National Parks Book by Robert Shankland
7- Specific Individuals with Ties to the National Park Service
8- Dedications and Related Materials for: Potomac Gorge, Bear Mountain Park, Redwood Grove, Mather Junior High School, Mather High School, and Tree Planting at Homestead
9- 1977 Annual Meeting Board of National Park Foundation and NPF 1978 Spring Meeting
10- Stephen in Local (Darien) Reporting
11- Stephen T. Mather Photographs
12- Joseph Wakeman Mather- (father of STM) Box 1 of 3)
13- Box 13a and 13b Joseph Wakeman Mather-Files 2⁄3
14- Miscellaneous
15- Recognitions of STM Including Posthumous Acknowledgements 16- Mather Family Memorabilia
17- Mather Family Photographs (Other Than STM)
18- Unidentified Photographs
19- American Quilt
20- Horace Marden Albright
21- Books From Mather Homestead Attic Trunks
22- Correspondences of Stephen Mather McPherson and Anne McPherson Tracy 23- Bertha Mather McPherson and Edward McPherson Correspondence
24- Mather Mountain Party 1915
25- Clothing and Apparel of Early Mathers and Relatives
26- Stephen T. Mather Honorary Degrees and Oversized Photographs and Awards 27- Recognitions and Awards to Bertha Mather McPherson
28- Children’s Books from Attic Trunk
30- Clothing and Fabric from Homestead Attic
31- A Century of Old Documents 1802-1905
32- Photograph Albums and Loose Photos (Primarily Albums of Bertha Walker Mather)
33- Old Sheets and Woven Fabrics
34- Floy Books 1 of 2
35- Floy Books 2 of 2
36- Floy Papers and Photographs 37 Floy Papers and Diaries
38-40 Accordion File Contents- Mather Homestead Safe: In the safe in the basement of the Homestead was an accordion file with 30 pockets, almost all of which had contents. The subjects vary widely but were deemed important enough by Bertha McPherson to have sorted and placed them in the safe.
41- Magazines/Books/Reports re: STM, National Parks, Homestead 42- Magazines/Reports re National Parks, Mather Homestead
43- Mather Mural Santa Fe NM
44- Stephen Tyng Prints
45- Old Darien Maps
46- Ted Mack Family Hour Record
47- Architectural Monographs
48- Joseph Mather Writings
49- Art Portfolios
50- Misc. Magazines Mentioning STM
51- Slide Photograph Carousels
Archives 52-55
52(a)- Dolls from Attic
52(b)- Dolls Clothing
53- Archived Books
54- Archived Books- First Editions 55- Archived Books
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